Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ten Reasons Ash Wednesday Is Better than Christmas

Stolen from

10. No braving the malls looking for Lent gifts

9. No pressure to send "Merry Ash Wednesday" cards

8. No explaining why using chi-rho isn't "X-ing Jesus out" of Lent

7. No dominionist fundagelicals trying to fight culture wars by putting "Jesus resisting temptation in the wilderness" displays on public property

6. No celebrity holiday albums

5. No Ash Wednesday sitcom specials

4. No saccharine email forwards about "the true meaning" of Ash Wednesday

3. No tacky Ash Wednesday sweaters

2. "Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return" extremely difficult to use in consumer marketing strategies

1. Nobody ever says, "Ash Wednesday is really all about the children."

1 comment:

Wallydraigle said...

My new driving purpose in life is to design a super tacky Ash Wednesday sweater.