Friday, December 2, 2011

Imposing their religion

NPR ran a story today on Morning Edition about the effort of some Roman Catholic institutions to fight against provisions in federal law requiring employers to provide contraception services in health care plans on the grounds this violates their religious beliefs and doctrinal standards. Sadly, the ACLU, which once upon a time was interested in preserving civil liberties such as those enumerated in the First Amendment, has taken sides against these Roman Catholic institutions. 
But [Sarah] Lipton-Lubet of the ACLU says this isn't a fight about religious liberty.
"What the bishops and their allies are asking for is the ability to impose their religious beliefs on people who don't share them," she said.
Ms. Lipton-Lubet seems sadly irony-impaired, not realizing her organization is joining forces with the federal government of these United States to impose their religious beliefs on people who don't share them.

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