Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Racer 5

I am not ashamed to admit I will try a beer for no other reason than an attractive label. When I was at Denver's Falling Rock Taphouse with Pa Curmudgeon last summer, my inner six-year-old couldn't help but notice the very Speed Racerish Racer 5 IPA taphead. I've been back several times and had Racer 5 on each occasion. It may not be the greatest IPA ever, but the logo makes it a thrill. Since it comes from a California brewery, I've only ever had it on tap. Someday, I hope to pick up a six-pack, although that would probably mean setting foot in California again.

In the meantime, Bear Republic has an online gift shop with a good assortment of Racer 5-emblazoned caps and t-shirts. Just in case you were wondering what to get me for this Lenten season.

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