Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Let that Weight Go

"The Moth" is a story-telling cooperative and competition which puts out a weekly podcast: all stories are autobiographical, often anecdotal, and occasionally profound. Two weeks ago it posted a story by Walter Mosely, famous mostly for wildly popular detective fiction. In just around 10 minutes, Mosely summarized the difficulties of living as a black man in these United Stated in the 20th century, and the corresponding difficulty of bringing that experience into the 21st.

Warning: there are a whole bunch of potentially offensive words in his narrative, but no cussing.

Advertisement: this is the most insightful, witty, and provocative 10 minutes on race I can remember hearing since my heady college days when I was immersed in Malcolm X, John Hope Franklin, and Spike Lee. I will be thinking about the questions he raised for a very long time. Strongly recommended.

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