Monday, September 16, 2013

Thanks, Ken Myers!

As you may have noticed, the sky is falling, if by "sky" one means "the universal human consensus on marriage extant since before the dawn of time itself." Much like the air we breathe, said consensus was so ubiquitous that no one bothered giving it much thought; now that it's under assault, many of us have difficulty identifying its under-pinnings and essential elements (just as I really don't know how much nitrogen I should be mixing in with my oxygen).

Thankfully, there's Robert George and this interview Ken Myers did with him for the Mars Hill Audio Journal. It helpfully and (relatively) briefly lays out the significance of the current efforts to redefine marriage for our culture and, potentially, the Church. George explains why marriage is much more than a matter of individual choice or preference. 

Because Ken Myers is not only kind to children and small animals, but also wants the broader Christian community to thoughtfully respond to the surrounding culture, he has made the interview available for FREE. (Please note: you will have to create an account in order to access the file.)
I hope this will be of use to you as you consider how your Christian commitment affects your response to the cultural shifts already afoot.

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