Friday, December 10, 2010

Time to start preaching politics

According to the Denver Post, two competing bills have been submitted to the Colorado legislature for its next session. One, representing the forces of light, truth, and all that is good, would opt Colorado out of the national folly which is daylight savings time, leaving the clocks in this great state permanently in tune with the daily progress of the sun across the sky, in accordance with the natural creation order. The other, representing bolshevikism, oppression, and all that is vain and empty in this corrupted world, would require the citizens of Colorado to keep their clocks on daylight savings time year-round.

If ever there were a moment for a presbyterian pastor to preach on upcoming legislation...

1 comment:

Wallydraigle said...

You are related by marriage to someone who would stand for emptiness and oppression.

When your brain insists on keeping you up until two in the morning, it gets depressing without that extra hour of daylight.