Tuesday, May 27, 2014

No exit?

Mrs. Curmudgeon has two friends from two entirely separate circles (and neither circle is the congregation which I serve), two friends who have only Mrs. Curmudgeon in common and have not, so far as we know, ever met. These two women are members of two different Churches, from entirely separate ecclesiastical traditions. However, both of their families are very unhappy with the respective congregations in which they are enrolled. In both cases, the issues are varied, and while none quite rise to the level of doctrinal error, they are enough to produce great unhappiness and little discernible Spiritual growth.

These families have one striking similarity: in each, it looked like the husband would receive a temporary assignment out of state, and both couples saw this as their best chance to escape their respective congregations.

If that's not a sign, I don't know what is.

Look, I'm a high-Church presbyterian: as a clerk of session, I take Church membership rolls extremely seriously, and frown on anything which looks like Church-hopping. But people, if one of your biggest reasons to move to another state is the opportunity to worship elsewhere, you're not a Church member. You're a hostage.

I've argued before that Church membership vows do not bind a believer to a particular congregation for the rest of one's natural life, so I don't intend to retread that ground here. Here, I just want to say that if you're that unhappy, you should leave. Soon. Have a conversation with the pastor and elders, explain what your concerns are (of course, you've probably already done this a dozen times), then leave. Speaking for myself, if there's anyone in my congregation who finds our fellowship so aggravating, I have no desire to force him to keep worshiping with us. Perhaps he'll do better elsewhere; who am I to complain if he does (1 Corinthians 3:4-9)?
If the fire marshal is completing his inspections on a regular basis, there should be clearly marked exits from your congregation's sanctuary. Feel free to use them.

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