Friday, August 5, 2011

The structure of Proverbs 16:31-17:6

In his NICOT commentary (vol. 2, pp. 35-36), Bruce Waltke argues Proverbs 16:31-17:6 form a unit because the framing verses share the words "crown" and "glory," and both are on the theme of old age. However, 17:6 adds sons to the mix. The center verse of the text, 17:2, is the only other place we find a mention of sons. This suggests the theme is the outworking of cross-generational relationships within a family, which is confirmed when we see the text forms a chiasm:

A: the glory of the righteous aged (16:31)
B: the righteous' restraint under God's sovereignty (16:32-33)
C: man must make right spiritual judgments (17:1)
D: the true son is righteous & wise (17:2)
C': the Lord judges the spirits of men (17:3)
B': the wicked's self-indulgence under God's sovereignty (17:4-5)
A': the glory of righteous generations within a family (17:6)

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